Webship Online keeps track of all information regarding customers, suppliers, warehouses and products. The information is accurately displayed on the reports page. To view all available reports, click “reports” in the Webship Online navigation bar.
If you click “costs”, you will get an overview of the warehouse locations used, work resources consumed, shipping costs and order statistics.
To generate the report, select the month and the company or shop whose costs you want to see. Next, you’ll get an overview of all the costs. Here’s an overview:
Warehouse consumption
Warehouse consumption shows how many inventory locations are taken up in the warehouse. This statistic is shown by number of stacking bins, shelves and pallet spaces per week.
Work resource consumption
Work resource consumption shows how many work resources have been consumed in a given period. Work resources such as boxes, padding materials and man hours are entered on the dashboard or while processing a purchase order/sales order.
Shipments by shipping method
Shipments by shipping method shows how many times each shipping method was used in the selected period. This will give you an overview of the cost per courier and per shipping method for a particular courier.
Order Statistics
The order statistics show how many purchase orders and sales orders were processed in a given period. There’s a breakdown between package orders and pallet orders. You will also get information about the number of SKUs that was processed and order lines.
If you want to consult a different report, don’t close the screen or go back. You can access the other reports from the current report.