Purchase order export

From the purchase order overview screen, you can export the purchase orders. To do so, select the import/export icon at the top of the list. Then select “export orders” and a CSV file will download.

CSV file

The following data are exported:


  • Company name (own store)
  • Order number
  • Supplier Reference
  • Status
  • Creation date
  • Delivered?
  • Delivery note
  • Notes
  • Supplier: Supplier number
  • Supplier: Name
  • Supplier: Contact
  • Supplier: E-mail
  • Supplier: Phone number
  • Supplier: VAT number
  • Supplier: Address line 1
  • Supplier: Address line 2
  • Supplier: Zip code
  • Supplier: Municipality
  • Supplier: County
  • Supplier: Country
  • Tracking number
  • SKU
  • Notes
  • Number of pieces

Make the CSV file readable

All data will be exported as a single column. To make sure you can read the file, convert the file to a regular Excel spreadsheet. There are multiple ways to do this:  
  • In the CSV file, click “data” and then “text to columns”. Make sure to select “comma” as the separator.
  • In the CSV file, click “data” and then “from text/csv”. Select the CSV file that needs to be converted and check the separator.
  • Use an online conversion tool to convert the CSV file into a readable Excel file.

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